King's Quilters

We are a very friendly, mixed-age-and-ability group who meet in the Millennium Memorial Hall every Monday (except Bank Holidays) at the following times:

  • Winter months: 13:30-15:30
  • Summer months: 14:00-16:00

Members are welcome to arrive 5-10 minutes early to help put up the tables and chairs.

Some members like to knit, others cross stitch, while the majority do patchwork. The group is non-tutorial but we all help each other and occasionally hold workshops.
Weekly subscription is £2.00, paid only if you attend and payable on arrival. The subscription covers the hire of the hall, tea, coffee, biscuits, etc. A register is taken mainly for fire purposes and we also have a tea rota: two people usually make the tea and coffee and then wash up afterwards. That works out about every 8 or 9 weeks for each person’s turn. All members are entitled to a 10% discount loyalty card from GTS Sewing Machines in Queensway, Banbury.
The group owns most equipment needed for patchwork and quilting and has a very large library of books and magazines, which may be borrowed.
We have decided recently to restrict new membership mainly to residents of King’s Sutton or people who have connections to the village.
All members may come as often or as little as they like.
Please feel free to come along and see if it is what you want. You will be made most welcome.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Chris Gregory on 01295 814943, or use the email form on this page.