Parish Councillor Remit – Lighting

On behalf of the Parish Council (acting as local Lighting Authority), the Councillor for Lighting will seek to ensure that all reasonably practicable steps are taken to minimise risks to persons arising from the provision of footway lighting in King’s Sutton.

To this end the Councillor for Lighting will:

  1. Ensure all footway lighting is maintained by a competent lighting contractor who will be a member of a recognised professional body such as the Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP). In particular this will include the electrical testing of all footway lighting every six years. The Councillor for Lighting will liaise with the Clerk to ensure records are maintained.
  2. Ensure that any reported fault or incidental damage to any footway lighting equipment (eg, caused by vehicle collision, severe weather or vandalism) is inspected as soon as possible and any necessary repairs/replacements implemented as appropriate. The latter will normally be carried out by the Council’s lighting contractor within four working days or, if assessed as an emergency, within 24 hours.
  3. Maintain via the Clerk an up to date record of the significant findings of a risk assessment of the footway lighting in the village. The Councillor for Lighting will seek assistance in this process from other Parish Councillors, who will be asked to carry out an annual visual examination of the footway lighting in their allocated street areas.