Parish Councillor Remit – Cemetery

  1. Ensure that the cemetery is maintained in a tidy and organised fashion.
  2. Arrange periodic clearing of fallen branches and debris. (This may involve appointment of an “odd-jobber” and should be within budget.)
  3. Ensure that grass-cutting and hedge cutting are completed (by the appointed contractor) according to the contract held by the Clerk in the Parish Office.
  4. Ensure that the big green bins are placed outside the cemetery grounds for collection day.
  5. Make sure that the Jubilee Rose Garden is kept tidy and weeded as necessary, that roses are dead-headed or replaced as required, and that plaques are installed in accordance with the ERPP.
  6. Acting on behalf of the Clerk when on leave to receive telephone calls and arrange burials with funeral directors.
  7. Consider improvements, such as supporting rails on the steps at the lower gate level.
  8. Check that the Lych-gate and its rainwater pipes are maintained in good order.
  9. Consider plans to extend the Cemetery to include extra burial ground and possibly a car parking area.
  10. Revise the Cemetery charges on an annual basis for implementation on 1st April and prepare Receipts and Payments Budget for recommendation to the Finance Governance & Policy Committee.
  11. Ensure that a sufficient and suitable Risk Assessment is regularly undertaken as recommended in accordance with current guidance issued by the H&SE, and that records are held by the Clerk.