Parish Councillor Remit – Amenities

  1. Periodic check (one every two months) on the condition of all Parish Council property – excluding that on The Rec or at the Cemetery – but including the bus shelters, seats, jitty gates, etc.
  2. Checking for working condition, damage and need for painting.
  3. Arranging for such work to be undertaken within a budget agreed at the start of the Council year.
  4. Ensuring that the bus shelters display the correct timetable information and any other notices as agreed by Council for publication.
  5. Applications for any improvements on walkways or other facilities – to consider such requests and recommend action or otherwise to the Council.
  6. Organise village litter pick events, co-ordinating with the appropriate persons at South Northamptonshire Council.
  7. Liaise with the King’s Sutton Horticultural Society to deliver King’s Sutton in Bloom in accordance with the Council’s Approved Operating Plan.
  8. Receive complaints and consider action regarding dog fouling and ensuring that the contract for collection of such waste is operating successfully (details in the Parish Office).
  9. Take on any issues that do not fall within the remit of other Councillors or Wardens, which lead to the physical benefit of the village and residents.
  10. Prepare annual expenditure budget to cover these issues and submit to the Finance, Governance & Policy Committee.
  11. Arrange the Grasscutting contract and renewal every two years.