Parish Councillor Remit – The Rec

  1. Receive comments, recommendations and requests related to the recreation ground site and make sure that the grass-cutting contract (held by the Clerk in the Parish Office) is correctly undertaken by the appointed Contractor.
  2. Receive the annual visit from the Fair Ground Contractors and agree pricing for budget purposes.
  3. Undertake a weekly check of all Parish Council-owned play equipment and seats sited on the Rec to ensure their safety and keep a record of this inspection.
  4. Receive and act upon the annual RoSPA report on play equipment.
  5. Consider positioning and message of appropriate signage on The Rec.
  6. Control access and prevent unwanted vehicle access by ensuring posts are maintained.
  7. Check on the Trees and co-ordinate with the Tree Warden for work involving pruning, crowning and removal of branches, etc.
  8. Negotiate contract for litter picking and bin clearance as necessary.
  9. Periodically explore the need for replacement and new play equipment in consultation with others and for the formation of a Project Working Group specifically set up for the task in hand.
  10. Prepare an annual Budget for recommendation to the Finance Governance & Policy Committee