Yoga in King’s Sutton

Yoga in King’s Sutton

Yoga helps to keep the joints supple, the muscles toned and the mind calm. It enhances a sense of overall well-being as the practice of yoga helps to boost the immune system and our energy levels.

Classes held at King’s Sutton Millennium Memorial Hall draw on the Hatha Yoga Tradition and include posture work (Asanas), breathing techniques (Pranayama), meditation and relaxation. Taught either by Vicky O’Connor or Donna Duncombe (both fully qualified, experienced teachers), the classes are suitable both for beginners and more experienced students. Classes are held Monday evenings, 19:15-20:45. They’re priced at £8..00 per lesson if block booked, £10.00 for those who drop in.

Vicky also teaches in Banbury and from her home. If you’re interested in small or private classes or just looking for more information in general, please use the email link here or call her on on 01295 810063 or 07711 941576 for more details.

Click here to contact Vicky O’Connor by email.