Information for Hirers

If you are thinking of a possible hire please speak to Lindsay Walker our Hall Manager for a preliminary discussion of your needs. She can be contacted on 01295 814971 or by email using the Contact Form on this page.

The kitchen is equipped with a commercial dishwasher, heavy duty gas/electric cooker (6 burner) and a boiling water dispenser for tea & coffee making. There is also a refrigerator. There is a large service counter to the Large Hall and a smaller counter to the Small Hall Next to the kitchen is the bar with a separate counter to the Large Hall. If you wish to have a cash bar Lindsay can put you in touch with a local publican who will provide the necessary support. We can also advise you on the names of caterers who have been engaged at the Hall recently.

A copy of the Terms & Conditions are available here for your information.

If required you can download the Hire Agreement Form here.

Emergency Procedures for all Hall users and hirers is here.