Parish Council Tree Warden

TreeThe appointed Tree Warden for the King’s Sutton Parish Council is currently Dr Anne Martis. Click here for her contact details.

Trees and hedgerows have been lost over recent years due to a variety of causes including disease, agricultural intensification and development. The Tree Warden scheme is intended to help protect what we have and replace what we have lost.

Tree Wardens work closely with the Parish Council to encourage a respect for trees and hedges in their community. The Warden may or may not be a member of Parish Council but is expected always to work closely with us. Tree Wardens are not expected to be experts but must have a genuine love and respect for trees and the natural environment.

The scheme is run in conjunction with the South Northants District Council appointed arboricultural officer who is more experienced and responsible for the upkeep of Tree Preservation Orders.

It’s understood that many people prefer to be able to talk to a local person who can give advice or point them in the right direction rather than enquire direct with the district authority. To this end the Tree Warden, is ready to make visits, but has an advisory role and is expected to be both gently reactive and proactive in the care of trees in this parish. Naturally the Warden has other interests and his/her time available varies as it is a voluntary role and he/she is happy to give his/her time freely to act as a ‘friend of their parish trees’.

The level of knowledge amongst appointed Tree Wardens varies; some are able to give detailed advice about management of trees and how to deal with a damaged branch, fungal decay, tight tree guards and ties, but our Warden can consult with our qualified District Council Tree Arborriculturalist or suggest that the resident does so directly. Where trees are in Conservation Areas, or are covered by Tree Preservation Orders, they are subject to planning conditions. Permission from the District Council Tree Officer must be obtained before any work is carried out. The tree warden will advise on the process of obtaining this permission.

The Tree Warden should co-ordinate with MGWSP at Northamptonshire County Council to take the opportunity for joining training days, support and advice and annual ‘get togethers’. Production of a regular newsletter is planned.

There are several areas in the village where trees are the direct responsibility of the Parish Council and these include those at the Cemetery in Mill Lane, those on the Recreation Ground and the green area at Sandringham Road/Windsor Close junction. These should be regularly inspected by our Tree Warden who is required to keep a record of at least three qualified tree surgeons (with names, contact details and ‘phone numbers) able to undertake necessary tree maintenance as authorised by the Parish Council. This enables the Tree Warden to obtain alternative quotes for approval by Council prior to any work being undertaken. Or the Tree Warden, in conjunction with the Parish Council, may opt for appointing a qualified tree surgeon to give regular checks and reports on the Council trees with recommendations as to what action should be taken to keep them in good order.