Parish Councillor Remit – Traffic Calming & Highways

  1. Act as Speed Watch Co-ordinator, recruiting the required number of trained volunteers and assessing cost benefits of the scheme.
  2. Negotiate with the Police on traffic speeding and other traffic issues.
  3. Select and identify supplier of Vehicle Activated Signs, in conjunction with NCC – Determine costings and siting and positioning criteria.
  4. Make the best use of the data collected from the VAS.
  5. Give consideration to the construction of chicanes as traffic calming in conjunction with NCC. Assess feasibility in terms of costs, practicalities and benefits.
  6. Give consideration to the installation of white village gates at main entry roads into King’s Sutton – acquire necessary permissions, licences, assess cost effectiveness.
  7. Monitor issues of inconsiderate parking and recommend ways to reduce its prevalence.
  8. Recommend ways to deal with issues of overhanging hedges and other vegetation.
  9. Consider provision of new salt bins and arrange for timely replenishment of existing ones.
  10. Be active with online Street Doctor reporting and follow up.
  11. Having assessed proposals, prepare expenditure budget for presentation and agreement by the Finance, Governance & Policy Committee.